
Special Session Proposal
To submit your special session proposal, please specify its title, organizers, and provide an abstract (at most 100 words). Please send your proposal to

Full Paper Submission
Ensure that you full paper in pdf form, between 10 and 15 pages, is written in English. These submissions should distinctly contain a title, a concise abstract, a list of keywords, the full names of author(s), their affiliations, complete addresses, and email addresses. Please also indicate the name of the designated contact person in your submission.
Here is the templates list Templates that should be used to submit your work

To submit your paper you have to create an account via this link

In order to submit your article:

  • go to My Space menu, My submissions. And click on Submit a paper.
  • After having filled in the metadata and the authors, choose your file and transfer it to step “3 File(s)”
  • Check your document and verify that the document has converted to a pdf format.
  • If you wish to submit your paper, proceed to step “4 overview” and click on Submit"


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